Anne of Green Gables Anne Shirley Series Volume 1 Lucy Maud Montgomery 9781535332255 Books

Anne of Green Gables is a 1908 novel by Canadian author Lucy Maud Montgomery.
Anne of Green Gables Anne Shirley Series Volume 1 Lucy Maud Montgomery 9781535332255 Books
Anne of Green Gables is a wonderful classic story and it gets 5 stars. This particular printing, however, is completely unacceptable. It's as if someone typed it into a document, and printed it off--no page numbers, not titled at the top of each page, the lines don't even break properly (see photo). Purchased as a gift, thankfully with enough time to purchase a better quality copy--probably for less money! A disgrace to the publishing community.Product details

Tags : Anne of Green Gables (Anne Shirley Series) (Volume 1) [Lucy Maud Montgomery] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Anne of Green Gables is a 1908 novel by Canadian author Lucy Maud Montgomery.,Lucy Maud Montgomery,Anne of Green Gables (Anne Shirley Series) (Volume 1),CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform,1535332255,FICTION Classics
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Anne of Green Gables Anne Shirley Series Volume 1 Lucy Maud Montgomery 9781535332255 Books Reviews
Two years ago I would have bet a bazillion dollars I would never read a "girls" book. But at 71 years of age I found myself in a house full of books only one of which I had not read. I am terrribly addicted to reading so, in desperation, I started "Anne of Green Gables". It is a marvelous book with a main character I wish I could meet every day in real life. Again to feed my addiction I bought the "Anne of Green Gables" series. Each book was a delight and I soon forgot that they were "girls" books. Maud created a character we all need in our life. She turns the mundane magical and believable. Reading them all in nearly a continous setting makes Anne "wearying" to quote Marilla since unbounded child-like wonder is hard to maintain. I wish I had read these books decades ago so Anne could have helped me through some less than happy times.
This review is of the kindle version of Anne The Green Gables Complete Collection and does not reflect on the L.M. Montgomery text. The Anne books have always been favorites of mine.
Buy the book, but get another edition!
First issue Really random pics grabbed from some art history textbook do not qualify as illustrations. They are more distracting than I would have imagined. Why didn't they leave the totally unrelated images out?
Second issue This is some new definition of complete that I am unacquainted with. This is Anne of Green Gables and Anne of Avonlea only. None of the later books are included.
False advertising. A text I am being pulled out of by unnecessary distractions. There have to be better options. I am going in search of one.
This is a great book, but buying this edition which Marco Pedulla purports to have translated constitutes buying stolen property.
The book was written in Englilsh, so Pedulla has translated nothing. What he has done has taken material free in the public domain and offered it on .
should NOT support theft.
BUYER BEWARE! The version published by "CreateSpace" is slapdash print-on-demand garbage. I hoped an illustrated version would be good for a child, but I returned it on first inspection. Nowhere could I find evidence of thought or effort in layout to justify any price. Illustrations are small, extremely infrequent, and essentially worthless. Some shameless soul has simply taken LM Montgomery's text, which, as it is in the public domain, is freely available to anyone, and tried to make money selling it. Interested readers would be advised to download a free ebook or pay for a handsomer edition, such as the Puffin In Bloom version. We went with the Puffin in Bloom version and are much more satisfied.
I LOVED Anne of Green Gables as a child and own the complete hard copy of the Anne series. Initially, I was delighted to find this collection of books written by one of my all time favorite authors for only $0.99 (kindle price. What a steal!) and felt I had to get the digital copy for my kindle at once. As soon as the product was delivered to my device, I began to read it since it's been years since I've visited the darling world that L.M Montgomery created.
I was very surprised to find that I kept tripping on certain sentences; the writing didn't seem as smooth as I remembered. When I got to chapter 6, I decided to compare a sentence in the digital print to my old, yellowing physical copy of Anne of Green Gables book. I realized why I had some difficulty reading my new digital copy THERE ARE TYPOS IN THIS PRODUCT.
It contains the WORST kinds of typos. There are typos in which it results in sentences that don't make sense. There are typos with the wrong pronouns in them that make it confusing for the reader to understand which character the publisher meant to write about. I am able to follow the story because I've read Anne of Green Gables more than once with my hard copy but for new readers, these typos will make this beautiful story difficult to read and at times, understand.
I hope the digital copy can be fixed so that owners can enjoy L.M. Montgomery's work as it was meant to be enjoyed. I have given this two stars instead of one because of the fabulous price for kindle readers.
Anne of Green Gables is a wonderful classic story and it gets 5 stars. This particular printing, however, is completely unacceptable. It's as if someone typed it into a document, and printed it off--no page numbers, not titled at the top of each page, the lines don't even break properly (see photo). Purchased as a gift, thankfully with enough time to purchase a better quality copy--probably for less money! A disgrace to the publishing community.

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